Thursday 28 May 2009

We hope, in the near future, to arrange a fundraising Bar-B-Q in Torquay. This will be on a Saturday in July. If anyone has any prizes that they could donate towards a raffle we would be most grateful

Friday 22 May 2009

Our needs at the moment

We have 20 children on our most needy list at the moment. These children need sponsorship to start their education in the Makumbaya Lower Basic School. It only costs £35 per year to guarantee their full education including fees, books and uniform. If you can help please e-mail us now.


Many thanks to Dawn & Paul McCafferty for sponsoring two pupils at the Makumbaya Lower Basic school in memory of " Nana"

Up to Date Info on Harmony Gambia

This blog will be used to update any followers on the activities of Harmony Gambia. If any of you have ideas about helping us to do our work in the Gambia please feel free to add them to the blog.