Saturday 30 January 2010

Education Hopes

The Chairman & Vice Chairman had a meeting with the Vice Chancellor of Portsmouth University with the idea of setting up some kind of contact with the University Of The Gambia. The idea is still very fluid but we will be seeing the Vice Chancellor in the Gambia during our next visit, starting February 19th, to get his ideas on the best way forward.

Sunday 17 January 2010

A small "Coffee & Cake" morning was held at our Torquay base yesterday in aid of our Transport Fund. A profit of £71 was made and this will go towards the cost of getting our four wheel drive vehicle back on the road. More finance is needed as the repairs are going to cost around £400. The vehicle is used by our agent Talibo to get around the various projects that we are involved in so that he can report progress to us. At the moment a lot of this travel is being done on foot.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Our chairman of trustees and Wendy, his wife will be making their next trip to the Gambia on February 18th 2010. They will be staying at the Sunset Beach Hotel for two weeks and trying to meet up with all people, users and helpers, in the Gambia who are part of the charity group.
Anyone who is in the area is welcome to contact us at the hotel and join us in trip to one of the projects.