Friday 4 February 2011

2011 trip

We have just arrived home from our last trip to the Gambia to check on the work being done.  All projects are going ahead and we were very pleased with the results.
The headmaster of Makumbaya School has changed and the new man did not really seem to understand the way that we work, some of the goods that we had sent out were being held in his office to be used as prizes for good work.  We explained that all goods were to be given to the children that needed them most, with no reference to their academic ability.  This has now been sorted out.
One of the most surprising things to happen is that we seem to have “acquired” a football team.  We were told just before we left that our link committee in Gambia that they had started a team to help the youngsters with no jobs, (95% of the population).  When we attended the official launch of the Link Association all the lads turned up to support us.  They pay subs to the team every month knowing that the team has no equipment, but they are expected to turn out to do community work three or four times a week.  When we were there they were cleaning up an overgrown area of a local school.  Using two foot long Pangas (knives) they were chopping down the dry brush that had grown in the last wet season, raking it all together and burning it.  They explained that if the brush was left it would form a breeding ground for snakes and lizards that could bite the small children in the school.  This was filthy work with dust flying as they chopped and raked, but it was done rapidly with all the lads working hard and no slacking.  How many British youngsters would actually pay money every month to a club with no equipment and then turn out to do hard manual labour for no money just, maybe, a donated drink or sweet to clear the dust from the throat
If anyone out there has any football equipment that we could send out to these lads it would be much appreciated.  Just contact us on
Dee Symons, our Vice Chairman, leaves for a visit today, 04 February, and will be back in two weeks. During her stay we hope that she will be able to get the clinic at Bafaluto up and running on a regular basis.  The Gambian idea of a clinic is a building with doctors, nurses, surgery and birthing rooms, not the first aid clinic that we can provide once a week to mainly check the children ad get them to hospital if required.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Charity Theatre Evening

We are pleased to announce that our local Theatre company has agreed to hold a Charity Evening on the first night of their production of Double Death on 11th. February 2011.

All ticket money and profit from a raffle will be used to help the people of the Gambia.
If you are interested in attending E-Mail us on
and we will send you all the details.

Goods to the School & Village

We have now sent out another load of books, clothes etc. and the money to sponsor 14 pupils at the Macumbaya school.  Our thanks to "Whynot" of Exeter for looking after the shipping details and saving us over £60 on the costs.

Olly is on his way

Olly the bear is now in the USA travelling with our vice chair of Trustees while she visits her family.  On his return he will have a rest until January 7th when he will start on his first trip to Gambia.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Olly has started

Only a few days after telling people my plans I found myself stuck in a car for a "Taster" trip to Cornwall.  This was mainly to check that I did not get travel sick but also allowed me to visit my cornish relative in St. Columb Major.  All went well and I was not sick once.


                                                                  Ready To Go
                                                     With My Cornish Cousin

Sunday 8 August 2010

The Bear Adventures begin

Hi There,
My name is Olly and I have been sitting unloved in a dark drawer for the past two years in the town of Torquay. After all this time I have decided to break loose and travel the world. At the same time I hope to raise some money to help the people in The Gambia in the fields of education and health via the charity “Harmony Gambia”. My first three trips are now organised, in September I will be flying my way to visit our American cousins and early in January 2011 I will go all the way to The Gambia to make contact with the people and see for myself what their needs are. I can bearly wait. As soon as I get back I am off with my friend Dawn to cycle 400 kilometres between Cambodia and Vietnam. As I am an English bear I am not quite sure how far 400 Kilometres is but I have been told that it is further than Torquay to Paignton and I am already in training on my trusty (rusty) bike for this epic adventure. My passport is all in order (see picture above).
All of my costs are already covered so if you could sponsor me ALL the money will be going to the good cause. Please help me in this effort. You may even be going somewhere exotic yourself and need some company. I eat the bare minimum, am fully house trained, do not nag and I am prepared to go anywhere for the cause. (Calling Richard Branson:- “Any room on a space flight, I am a Virgin!” )
If you require any details of the work the charity is already doing look on their website at or Telephone my manager Peter Oliver on 01803 316448 for full details.
Many thanks for reading this bearly literate missive,

Olly Bear